Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street

Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street Tote Taube in der Beethovenstrae is episode 25, season 1, of Tatort, a 1974 German language police procedural television program, directed by Samuel Fuller. It was given a theatrical release in the United States by Emerson Film Enterprises in 1975.

Fuller was offered the opportunity to direct an episode of the popular German crime drama by film critic and later writerdirector HansChristoph Blumenberg, in appreciation for the directors help in securing interviews with filmmakers Howard Hawks and John Ford for a documentary project. Upon meeting with the programs producers and feeling initial doubts about being able to conform to the shows standard template, he suggested a storyline inspired by the thenrecent Profumo affair in England, which the producers approved to Fullers surprise.Fullers screenplay took liberties with the established style of the show by eliminating a primary series protagonist early in the episode in order to introduce a onetime American character to helm the investigation, by conducting the majority of the program in English rather than German though subtitles were provided in the German broadcast, and by ultimately treating the story with a satirical and often broadly comic tone. ........

Source: Wikipedia